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CLHRP: Neighbourhood Satisfaction and Preference in Hong Kong

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Neighbourhood Satisfaction and Preference in Hong Kong

  • to study households' satisfaction with their neighbourhoods;

  • to study households' preferences for mixed neighbourhoods;

  • to identify the relationship between neighbourhoods satisfaction and mixed neighbourhoods.


Are people in Hong Kong satisfied with their neighbourhoods? We asked more than 150 households living in mixed neighbourhoods the question: Do you think your neighbourhood is a good place to live? They could choose an answer between Completely disagree (=1) and Completely agree (=5). We also asked them whether they liked to have different types of estates in their vicinity, and they also chose according to the same Likert Scale. You can see the results in the above figure.

The next step of this research is to identify behavioral, perceptional and socio-demographic variables which decided both neighbourhood satisfaction and mixed neighbourhood preferences. What causes someone to like their neighbourhood? Would this influence the way they perceive their mixed neighbourhood? Are mixed neighbourhoods improving people's satisfaction of their neighbourhood, or does it have a negative relationship?

2. Housing Policy

  • to study the Public Rental Housing programme of Hong Kong;

  • to study the institutional effects on ageing population trends;

  • to study housing policies of different countries for international comparison.


Based on a quantitative analysis of our empirical results, a strong positive correlation was found between public housing and elderly population in Hong Kong. The maps below show the proportion of elderly population in Hong Kong in 2006 and 2011 based on Hong Kong's Population Census report. These maps portray spatial trends of ageing in Hong Kong.

Figure: Elderly Proportion Maps based Hong Kong Population Census Report (2006 and 2011)

The next step of the research is to study the institutional effects on ageing and public housing in different countries. This international comparison, based on empirical results, could shed light on the importance of institutions and policies on the relationship between ageing and public housing.

Photos of Local Farms

Picture 1 Farmland in Hong Kong      

Picture 2 Coexistence of farmland and urban community

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