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Story of the Month - April 2017

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

"How satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?" 「你最近對自己的生活感到滿意嗎?」

"Would you say that most people can be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people?" 「你覺得是否能信任其他大多數人,還是必須對他們提高警惕?」

The questions above came from the World Values Survey, a large scale international survey to gather data on changing human values and beliefs and their impact on social and political life. Political scientists Prof. Shu-yun Ma and Prof. Edmund Cheng are conducting the Hong Kong portion of this global survey project with the aim to gather data on changing human values and beliefs and their impact on social and political life. After the Occupy Movement in 2014, Hong Kong society remains deeply divided along political lines. The level of mistrust toward political institutions was heightened. Through this large scale survey that samples at least 2,500 households in Hong Kong, the study aims to find out where people's grievances are coming from, and how social trust can be repaired and maintained for better governance. 上述問題取自世界價值觀調查,此項大型國際調查希望蒐集資料,以便探討人類價值觀及其對社會政治生活的影響。政治科學家馬樹人教授和鄭煒教授正在進行此項全球調查計劃的香港地區研究,以探討人類價值觀及其對社會政治生活的影響。在2014年佔領中環運動後,香港社會仍然在政治上被撕裂開來,人們對政治機構更加不信任。此項調查通過蒐集至少2,500個香港家庭的數據,希望找到民怨的源頭,以及如何彌補和維護社會信任,以改善政府治理。

Since most of the survey questions are standardized across the world and kept consistent over time, it allows researchers to make comparison across countries as well as to track how values have changed over time. Prof. Ma and Prof. Cheng's research shows how quantitative data can be used to better understand our society. 由於調查問卷中的多數問題在全球地區已標準化,並且一直保持一致性,研究者得以比較不同國家的研究發現,以及追踪價值觀隨時間如何變化。馬教授和鄭教授的研究顯示如何使用量化數據來更好地了解我們的社會。

Caption: A “cultural map” summarizing the result of World Values Survey (Wave 6) conducted during 2010-14. Source:



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