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Multicultural in Action Project: Multicultural Carnival @ Shek Lei

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

“Multicultural Carnival @ Shek Lei” was held by Multiculturalism in Action Project in Shek Lei (1) Estate in Kwai Hing on 19th October. The carnival was one of the programs which aim at promoting positive relationships between different ethnic groups and transferring multiculturalism knowledge. Performers on that day included Ms. Jackie Law (Kuchipudi), Ms. Ashmi (Nepali dance), Sri Lanka Buddhist Cultural Centre (Fusion dance) and SARDA Band (Live song). Additionally, carnival set up thematic booths for the public to develop an understanding of different cultures of Hong Kong ethnic minorities. Kabaddi United Hong Kong introduced a South Asian sport, Kabaddi, to the public. Everyone could enjoy playing Kabaddi under the instructions of Kabaddi United Hong Kong. On the other hand, Ms. Omaira, who came from Venezuela, set up “Latin Corner” to introduce the characteristics of South America and play piñatas with participants. Moreover, the Sri Lanka Buddhist Cultural Centre introduced Sri Lankan spices and music instruments. In addition, Multiculturalism in Action Project had set up an exhibition about Pakistan society in Hong Kong and brought ethnic costumes for people to have a try. 

10月19日多元文化行動計劃在葵興石籬(一)邨舉辦「多元文化在石籬」嘉年華, 是推廣正向族群關係和跨文化主義的知識轉移項目。當天表演者包括Jackie Law (古典印度舞)、Ashmi (尼泊爾民族舞)、 斯里蘭卡佛教與文化中心(融合舞蹈)和 SARDA 樂隊(流行曲)。嘉年華也設立了主題攤位,讓街坊了解在港的少數族裔的不同文化︰ 香港卡巴迪聯盟為大家介紹南亞運動卡巴迪的玩法和體驗活動, 原藉委内瑞拉的沃美娜女士設「拉丁角」介紹南美特色還和大家玩piñatas, 斯里蘭卡佛教與文化中心向參加者介紹當地香料和樂器。多元文化行動計劃則為大家帶來香港巴基斯坦社群展覧, 以及和民族服裝試穿體驗。

圖片說明:開幕典禮中,譚教授與嘉賓和表演者  (圖片來源:陳凱欣)

Photo Caption: Prof. Tam, guests and performers in the opening ceremony(Photo credit: Connie Chan)


Photo Caption:A child is playing piñata(Photo credit: Connie Chan)


Photo Caption: Our student helper is introducing Pakistan society in Hong Kong to participant(Photo credit: Connie Chan)

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