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Multicultural in Action Project: First Multicultural Handicraft Workshop

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

The Multiculturalism in Action Project has conducted the first multicultural handicraft workshop last Saturday (3rd August). We are glad that 2 friends originally from Venezuela were our tutors. Omaira and Petra have lived in Hong Kong for over 20 years. They introduced the traditional Latin American game, piñata, in fluent Cantonese. They introduced the traditional Latin American game, piñata, in fluent Cantonese. First, our participants experienced playing piñata. Participants put on an eye mask and took turns to hit the piñata with a stick, which finally broke it and candies dropped from the piñata. Children clammered to get the sweets and everyone, adults and kids, laughed and had fun. Then we learned to make our own piñata. Finally, Omaira and Petra shared some sweet and savory tamales with us. The smiles on everyone's faces were symbolic of intercultural friendship!

上星期六8月3日Multiculturalism in Action Project 舉辦了第ㄧ次多元文化手工藝工作坊。我們很高興邀請了两位原藉委內瑞拉的朋友來做導師。 Omaira 和Petra在香港定居超過廿年, 她們用流利的粤語為我們介紹了拉丁美洲的傳統遊戲 piñata 。首先, 我們ㄧ衆參加者親身體驗 piñata的玩法:蒙上眼罩原地轉三圈,舉起棍子揮向掛起的piñata。經過多位參加者的合作, piñata 打碎了,糖果散落ㄧ地! 小朋友ㄧ哄而上,大人小孩都樂得不可開交。接着大家ㄧ起製作屬於自己的 piñata,親子組合幸福滿溢,而個人組也手脚麻利,ㄧ個個創意十足的piñata 就出現眼前。唔好俾佢停! 接着Omaira 和Petra 還與大家分享私房南美粽子tamale, 咸的、甜的, 讓ㄧ張張笑臉成為跨文化友誼的最佳註脚!

Prof. Tam is giving an opening speech, marking the start of our workshop


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