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Research Profiles


Prof. Dong Liu


Research Assistant Professor

Prof. Dong Liu is a Research Assistant Professor holding joint appointment in the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) & Institute of Future Cities (IOFC) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prior to his appointment at CUHK, he worked as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Human Environments Analysis Laboratory at The University of Western Ontario, where he received the Children's Health Research Institute Trainee Award from the Canada Children’s Health Foundation. He obtained his PhD in Geography from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research is focused on examining urban mobility, location accessibility, travel behavior, physical activity, and environmental health through geospatial analytical methods. He has extensive prior experiences in coordinating and participating in various projects funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Ontario Ministry of Health; is currently working on projects examining health impacts from individual environmental exposure funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.


Research interests/fields

Urban mobility, Location accessibility, Travel behavior, Physical activity, Environmental health


Selected Awards

  1. Children's Health Research Institute Trainee Award, Canada Children’s Health Foundation

  2. Marion G. Russell Graduate Fellowship, Department of Geography and GIS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  3. Samuel and Berel D. Schlesinger Travel Grant, School of Earth, Society, and Environment, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  4. JASSO Scholarship, Japan Student Services Organization

  5. IARU-Santander GSP Scholarship, Banco Santander/University of Tokyo


Selected Publications

  1. Liu, D. and Kwan, M.P., 2022. Integrated analysis of doubly disadvantaged neighborhoods by considering both green space and blue space accessibility and COVID-19 infection risk. PLOS One. Forthcoming.

  2. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Kan, Z., Song, Y. and Li, X., 2022. Racial/ethnic inequality in transit-based accessibility to COVID-19 vaccination sites. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

  3. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Kan, Z., Song Y. and Li, X., 2022. Inter- and intra-racial/ethnic disparities in walking accessibility to grocery stores. Area, 00, 1– 11.

  4. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Huang, J., Kan, Z., Song Y. and Li, X., 2022. Analyzing income-based inequality in transit nodal accessibility. Travel Behaviour and Society, 27, pp.57-64.

  5. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P. and Kan, Z., 2021. Analyzing disparities in transit-based healthcare accessibility in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. The Canadian Geographer//Le Géographe canadien, 66(2), pp.248–262.

  6. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P. and Kan, Z., 2021. Analysis of urban green space accessibility and distribution inequity in the city of Chicago. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, p.127029.

  7. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P., Kan, Z. and Song, Y., 2021. An integrated analysis of housing and transit affordability in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. The Geographical Journal, 187:110–126.

  8. Liu, D., Kwan, M.P. and Kan, Z., 2021. Assessing job-access inequity for transit-based workers across space and race with the Palma ratio. Urban Research & Practice, pp.1-27.

  9. Liu, D. and Kwan, M.P., 2020. Measuring spatial mismatch and job access inequity based on transit-based job accessibility for poor job seekers. Travel Behaviour and Society, 19, pp.184-193.

  10. Liu, D. and Kwan, M.P., 2020. Measuring job accessibility through integrating travel time, transit fare and income: a study of the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(4), pp. 671–685.

  11. Song, Y., Chen B., Ho, H.C., Kwan, M.P., Liu, D., Wang, F., Wang, J., Cai, J., Li X., Xu Y., He, Q., Wang H., Xu, Q., Song, Y., 2021. Observed inequality in urban greenspace exposure in China. Environment International, 156, p.106778.

  12. Kan, Z., Kwan, M.P., Huang, J., Wong, M.S. and Liu, D., 2021. Comparing the space‐time patterns of high‐risk areas in different waves of COVID‐19 in Hong Kong. Transactions in GIS, 25, pp.2982-3001.  

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