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Story of the Month - June 2019 每月故事- 二零一九年六月

Centre of Urban History, Culture and Media

Centre Fellow Prof. Zhong Hua Sara's research interests include social development and crime trends, cybercrime, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, and gender-crime nexus.


Her research team just completed a project about Chinese urban citizens' perceived safety. The study mainly focuses on the gendered mechanisms between social disorganization, social inequality and perceived safety among Chinese urban residents. Considering the rapid technological changes in the modern era and their threat to privacy, this research considers both perceived privacy safety and traditional types of perceived safety (eg, perception of safety if going out after 10pm). Regarding perceived privacy safety, the results suggest that trust in strangers significantly increases males' privacy safety but not females' , while police presence in a neighbourhood and perceived justice in law enforcement have significant positive effects on females' privacy safety but not males'. For perceived night safety, formal social control (eg,police performance) and perceptions of income inequality affect men and women similarly in urban China. In contrast with Western studies, collective efficacy is not that useful when explaining perceived night safety for either men or women, which is possibly due to the prevalence of security guards in urban communities. This research is pioneering as it implies that the social forces of perceived personal/property safety in urban China are relatively gender-neutral, whereas the mechanisms of perceived privacy safety are gendered and strongly related to both offline gender inequality and digital gender inequality.which is possibly due to the prevalence of security guards in urban communities. This research is pioneering as it implies that the social forces of perceived personal/property safety in urban China are relatively gender-neutral, whereas the mechanisms of perceived privacy safety are gendered and strongly related to both offline gender inequality and digital gender inequality.which is possibly due to the prevalence of security guards in urban communities. This research is pioneering as it implies that the social forces of perceived personal/property safety in urban China are relatively gender-neutral, whereas the mechanisms of perceived privacy safety are gendered and strongly related to both offline gender inequality and digital gender inequality.


Currently Prof Zhong is collaborating with Tencent on projects related to protection of youth from victimization of cybercrime and cyberbullying. She is also using big data to examine the patterns of cyber fraud in Hong Kong and Mainland China and the social forces behind it.



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